Pet Gerbil/Gerbils running an Agility Course!! Not only gerbils but also Hamster/Hamsters Agility, Mouse/Mice Agility, Rat/Rats, Fancy Pet Ratties, Agility, Rabbit/Rabbits Agility
This site is dedicated to Gerbil,Gerbils doing Agility as well as other Rodents such as Hamster, including Dwarf Hamsters Agility, Mouse/Mice Agility, Rat/Rats/Rattie/Pet Fancy Rats Agility, Rabbit, rabbits, Guinea Pig/Pigs, and many other rodent types that enjoy spending time with their owners doing fun things.
![Gerbil Book - A Step-By-Step](/menagerie/photos/gerbils/agility/gerbilbook.jpg) WHO SET UP THE FIRST GERBIL AGILITY COURSE?
Who was the first person to set up and play with a gerbil on an Agility Course? No one knows for sure....but here is a photo in a 1988 "Step-By-Step Book About Gerbils" by Patrick Bradey and Heather Pence on page 18 of two kids with a couple of Gerbils and a cute little Agility Course...
As with most sports, one person sees something, it gives them an idea and they pull it together then another person adds on to that idea, has a good time with it, then another person sees that and......
One this for sure...all Agility Courses, dog, cats, rabbits, rats, any species type all stem back to a horse sport called Steeple Chase or Horse Show Jumping. The horses jump beautiful Fence Jumps and Bar Jumps. Each of the jumps are set up to look like horse fencing. This is why you hear some people call all jumps for all species "fences" or "fence jumps". It is also why some of the events are called "Show Jumping", even for the smaller animals.
![Shata On Her First Day](/menagerie/photos/gerbils/agility/ShataAgility_day1_2008-03-11.jpg) PLEASE VISIT OFTEN This is a brand new we had talked about for awhile...I was surprised when my husband set it up for me for a Birthday Gift. Thank you Deron!! It's gonna be fun.
![Terry Praying Before His Performance](/menagerie/photos/smallanimalfun/hamsters/agility/terrytirejumppraying_2008-04-06.jpg) This is Terry a Teddy Bear Hamster. This is his first introduction to the equipment.
Yes, we even dress our gerbils!!
![ginastpattys 2006-01-21.jpg](/menagerie/photos/gerbils/ginastpattys_2006-01-21.jpg) ![ginaobrian 2006-01-21.jpg](/menagerie/photos/gerbils/ginaobrian_2006-01-21.jpg)
-- The Gerbil Agility Team